What could possibly happen when you hand the keys to the brewery to one of the team? A lot of awesomeness as it turns out. Beers that tell a person’s story. Beers that taste great. And beers that have not lead to any explosions or lawsuits. That’s what the Brew Crew series is all about. Our people. Your beer.
For Brew Crew #11 the keys went to Jas. Our go-to gal who's been behind the bar (and in front of it!), in the brewery, in the warehouse and out on the road delivering tinnies and kegs all around Melbourne. But it turns out SuperJas has a weakness. Sticky Date Pudding.
Fortunately for us all, this Kiwi's fave sweet treat makes for an awesome dessert beer! Creamy and full-bodied with rich, indulgent, butterscotch caramel tones and just a hint of vanilla. It's not your average stout, but Jas isn't your average wahine!
After thinking up this awesome recipe, Jas joined the brewery team to mill grain, mash out and measure hops, all whilst keeping their energy up with home-made Sticky Date Cupcakes!